Inhalation of Peppermint Reduces Perceived Effort and Improves Physical Performance

Significant Findings:
"Peppermint reduced perceived physical workload, temporal workload, effort, and frustration. Peppermint improved self-evaluated performance, vigor and fatigue level. Peppermint odor increased physical performance."
Examined the effects of odorants on athletic performance. In a series of studies, they administered various odors (e.g., peppermint, jasmine, dimethyl sulfide) to athletes performing a modified treadmill stress test. Peppermint odor significantly reduced perceived physical workload, temporal workload, effort, and frustration, as assessed by the Profile of Mood States (POMS; McNair, Lorr & Droppleman, 1971) and the NASA-Task Load Index (NASA-TLX; Hart & Staveland, 1988). Self-evaluated performance was also greater in the peppermint condition, and participants rated their level of vigor higher and their level of fatigue lower. In addition, when assessing performance on specific athletic tasks, those athletes exposed to peppermint odor were found to complete a quarter mile run more quickly, perform more push-ups, and exhibit increased hand dynamometer grip strength.
Published in: International Sports Journal, 2002
Publisher: University of New Haven
Researchers: Raudenbush, B., Meyer, B. & Eppich, W
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