Significant Findings: "All of the [peppermint] subjects’ performance parameters improved, athletes exerted 50% more work, 20% more power, and had a 25% greater time to exhaustion." Article: In an age where athletic competitions are frequently won or lost by mere hundredths...
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Significant Findings: "Peppermint group... increase in the grip force (36.1%), standing vertical jump (7.0%), and standing long jump (6.4%). Data obtained from the experimental group after five minutes exhibited a significant increase in the forced vital capacity in first second (FVC1)(35.1%), peak...
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Significant Findings: "Peppermint reduced perceived physical workload, temporal workload, effort, and frustration. Peppermint improved self-evaluated performance, vigor and fatigue level. Peppermint odor increased physical performance." Abstract: Examined the effects of odorants on athletic performance. In a series of studies, they...
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Significant Findings: "The results of the experiment support the effectiveness of peppermint essential oil on the exercise performance... Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles, increase in the ventilation and brain oxygen concentration, and decrease in the blood lactate level are the...
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Significant Findings: "peppermint administration led to increased ratings of alertness, decreased temporal demand, and decreased frustration... In addition, peppermint scent reduced anxiety and fatigue." Abstract: Past research indicates the odors of peppermint and cinnamon (1) enhance motivation, performance, and alertness, (2)...
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